About Malcolm French

Mt Zeil summit 2008, the highest mountain in the NT, NW of Alice Springs.
Bush traveller
Eucalypt taxonomist
Research Associate and volunteer at Perth Herbarium

Bluff Knoll summit, Stirling Range NP, July 2017.
The highest occurring eucalypt seen here was E.megacarpa at 950 metres.
Malcolm French began his interest in eucalypts in the 1980s, when he grew eucalypts for his family farm at Rylstone on the Central Tablelands of NSW. As the plants grew so did his interest in them, and it wasn’t long before he began growing more eucalypts and his desire to learn more about them became quite a passion.
Malcolm has lived in Perth since 1993, when he was offered a management position in an agribusiness enterprise in WA. His decision to move to WA was made easy due to the opportunity to research the vast diversity of eucalypts in the State. Since then, he has travelled extensively throughout WA as part of his work profession and for eucalypt research, and it wasn’t long before he published his first book on Western Australia eucalypts, The Special Eucalypts of Perth and the South-west (1997). Malcolm subsequently published the comprehensive Eucalypts of Western Australia’s Wheatbelt (2013) and now with Dean Nicolle, this second edition of Eucalypts of Western Australia’s South-West Coast and Ranges (2024).
Malcolm has been an associate researcher and volunteer at the Western Australian Herbarium since 1996, undertaking research, identifying eucalypt specimens and providing taxonomic advice.
With so many new species of eucalypts in Western Australia ‘sitting in the shelves’ having been published in scientific journals but not exposed to the public in a book mode with images and information, it is Malcolm’s intention to promote all of these with new books for all to enjoy.
Plus, there is new species out there still to be discovered, still much research to do, so the trusty Prado rolls on through the magnificent bushlands of Western Australia.
Malcolm French
0409 990 988
Plants are a promise to the future. Our eucalypts are a big part of the promise.
Our pollinators are critical to the promise.