Eucalypts of Western Australia's Wheatbelt Book
“As I read through it I felt that I’d just opened up a treasure chest. It is truly amazing. Your book is a tribute to our wonderful flora diversity.” - Sue from Harrismith.
“Your book arrived several days ago and I’ve been dipping in since. Wow! It really is first rate, both in content and production. The photos of species in their natural context are especially good and informative.” - John from Kent, UK.
“We have received your beautiful book, a celebration of the eucalypts indeed.” - Pauline from Carnamah.
“It is fantastic – the detail and photos in it are great and will be very useful in our trips out to the wheatbelt. We had 35 years farming in the wheatbelt and wished we had the book then.” - Barbara from Perth.
“Congratulations on your latest eucalypt book – it’s a wonder!! A momentous effort and beautifully presented.” - Gil from Ravensthorpe.
“I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful, wonderful book. It must have taken you years. If you get an opportunity to do further books I would be the first to encourage you. Thank you for your efforts, you have touched my soul.” - John from Perth.
“Thank you so much for producing such a beautiful and informative book on our wheatbelt eucalypts. I’m sure you have written it with farmers in mind and I wish it had been around when we were running the nursery.” - Mary from Mukinbudin.
“I think you’ve done a fantastic job. I think the guide to field ID is really well done, and it’s great to have all the wheatbelt species properly detailed.” - Helena from Perth.
“I am very excited about your new book which will be invaluable for my work.” - Wendy from Tambellup.
“His friend received a copy and he was taken with your work. It will be a highly coveted Christmas present.” - Marie from Perth.
“It’s a beautiful guide – a real treasure trove of information, very clearly presented. My congratulations to you.” - John from Canberra.